Pastor's Message: Why Easter Matters
/“Jesus said, “It is finished.”
Then he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. ”
Now, if this is where our story stopped, we would not be living as people of the resurrection. We would be stunted at the crossroads, having no clue where to go and what to do. We would not know who we are or where we were going. But, thanks be to God, that is not where our story ends, that is just the beginning. God does something miraculous through Jesus Christ, so we are able to shout with joy-filled hearts on Easter Sunday, "CHRIST IS RISEN!"
“He is not here; for he has been raised.”
This is what we proclaim on Easter Sunday and every day following. Because of God's greatest promise, that he is not dead, but Christ lives! And through Christ's life, death and resurrection we are granted grace upon grace. Through this unfailing, unfaltering, unparalleled love, we are set free to be people of the resurrection, covered by grace and forgiven. No longer finding ourselves at a crossroads, but rather, covered in grace.
Therefore, in this grace we receive from Christ Jesus, we give God our praise and thanksgiving. For the light of Christ is found in the resurrection, we see Christ in his glory and we receive the gift of grace. We sing and we trust the light of Christ will never burn out, it will never be dim, it will not let us stumble in the darkness, no Christ's light will shine and guide our steps. This is why Easter matters. Because we are never to be forsaken, we will never be left alone to wander in the darkness. True light has come and God has done something extraordinary through Jesus Christ. God, the creator of the world and liberator of all people has brought Christ to new life, and through the resurrection of Jesus we are freed from our fears, and ignited with the light of Christ. It is through Jesus Christ that we are forgiven, set free and saved by grace. There is no greater love than this and nothing compares to this grace. Almighty God has restored humanity and in God's mercy, we are called to share this love and grace with all whom we encounter. Let the light of Christ shine in your hearts, illumine your path and guide your comings and goings so that you might always know the way, the truth and the light. Because we know this only through Jesus Christ, who is, who was and who will always be our Savior and Lord. Thanks be to God.
Remember the true meaning of Easter, which is the resurrection. As the world brings out fluffy bunnies, sweet treats and eggs, be rooted in the promises of forgiveness and grace that comes from a crucified and risen Savior. Remember that when you come to worship, we worship together, with trumpets and song a God of unparalleled love. We worship a God who gave everything so we might know the comfort and promise of grace. Remember that when the trumpets and fanfare fade away and the work week resumes that we are still covered in God's abundant grace. Remember that as we go about our daily lives and the glorious nature of Easter Sunday fades in your memory, God is still loving us and Christ still died and rose again so we might know this AMAZING GRACE! Savor the sacred moments of Holy Week and let the Holy Spirit wash over you as you worship on Easter Sunday and know that God's love is why Easter matters. Thanks be to God. I look forward to Easter Worship and the blessed sacred journey of Holy Week.
+Pastor Greer