We invite you to take part in Women of the ELCA – WELCA
Together we will discover new ways to live: Joyfully Thankfully Prayerfully
“As a community of women created in the image of God, called to the discipleship of Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world.”
WELCA is part of an organization that includes Lutheran women who gather in over 7,000 locations in the U.S. and Caribbean.
Women of the ELCA connect with participants in many ways. We use magazines, e-newsletters, and paper newsletters to tell others how the organization is acting boldly on our faith in Jesus Christ.
Gather, the magazine of Women of ELCA, offers a mix of articles, theological reflections, devotions, and stories of comfort and challenge that help readers grow in faith and engage in ministry and action. Gather is published 10 times a year with combined issues in January/February and July/August. Many women in Lutheran and full-communion partner congregations read the magazine.
Café is an award-winning web-based magazine for young adult women who want to build community, participate in advocacy, and strengthen their faith. It incorporates a Lutheran perspective but is a great read for any woman who is interested in how faith can relate to every-day life.
Bold Connections is a free monthly e-newsletter of Women of the ELCA. Whether you participate a lot or a little in Women of the ELCA, you’ll find helpful news and information on our programs and activities, and stories of how together we live out our purpose and mission.
“To mobilize women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ and to love one another as God has loved and forgiven us.”
Our Mission is carried out in three areas:
Action, Community and Growth
Quarterly meetings with speakers on timely subjects
Monthly “Willing Workers” crafts and projects
Participation in MCREST (Macomb County Rotating Emergency Shelter Team)
Participation in annual Rummage Sale
Participation in Lutheran World Relief projects
Contributions to local causes
Annual Women of the year luncheon
Annual May Daughter’s Luncheon
Summer social
Annual Christmas social, dinner and auction
Monthly Bible study using publication magazine “Gather for Faith and Action”
Monthly Book Group
Attending local conventions and biennial syndical conventions (next in Minneapolis July 13-16, 2017)
Amazing Grace WELCA Officers
President Sherri Switzer
Vice President Barb Westerberg
Secretary Mary Haller
Treasurer Marilyn McQueen
Board Members:
Action: Sherri Seitzer
Community: Barb Jetmore
Growth: Terri Tribu