Coming Up This Sunday

Sunday, May 7, 2017


Amazing Grace: furthering God's kingdom.
9:00 a.m. (Traditional) 
11:00 a.m. (Contemporary)


First Reading: Acts 2:42-47
Second Reading: Psalm 23
Gospel Reading: Matthew 6:17-21

Nursery: Ages 0-K Available during 11:00 A.M. Worship  

We will celebrate and sing to our May birthdays!

Stewardship for all Seasons

Presentation andQ & A
with Rev. Mike Ward
in the Learning Center
10:00 A.M.

Men of Grace 8th Annual Chili Cook Off

12:30 P.M. in the Social Hall

Family Sunday School/ Faith Formation for All Ages
Join us and taste all the delicious chili’s! Vote for best tasting and most unique!
Tiger themed Raffle Basket tickets available! $1.00 each or 6/$5.00.
We will assemble Blessing Bags for the homeless.
Bring items (toothpaste, small water bottles, snacks, deodorant, hand wipes, etc.) 


Pastor's Message: Wonderful Wednesdays

Wonderful Wednesdays is an exciting new adventure we are THRILLED to begin this summer at Amazing Grace! With combined efforts of Faith Formation Ministry Team, Worship Team and anyone who desires to participate in a church wide learning and faith exploration, this is sure to be an INCREDIBLE summer!

What is Wonderful Wednesdays you might ask?! Well, I can’t wait to tell you!

Wonderful Wednesdays will combine a Vacation Bible School approach with Bible Study and Worship, for people of ALL AGES! You may have heard the term Intergenerational?! Which means that ALL ages come together to learn, grow and experience God’s Amazing Grace together. This approach is not something we just made up, but has been studied by many and is proven to be an important way to learn and grow in faith together. With people of all ages we pray that God will use our youngest hearts and our more experienced lives to create meaningful relationships as well as impactful conversations and life-long opportunities for a shared faith experience.

On every-other Wednesday evening, anyone who comes to Wonderful Wednesdays, are invited to a shared meal in the fellowship hall, then break out small groups (by age) for Bible Study (adults) led by Pastor Greer and Vacation Bible School Learning for (kiddos) led by our excited and talented Faith Formation Team. As each age group explores the same Bible story and Living Water theme, we will find creative ways to connect those stories to our shared experience. To close the evening everyone is invited to join in a beautiful worship service that combines faith, fun and fellowship. Be prepared for an interactive and experiential worship with lively songs, interaction and opportunities to share faith.

This approach is exciting and innovative and will offer opportunities for new and exciting worship experiences, intergenerational relationships, learning for all ages and a summer full of fun and faith. God is alive and active and what better way to embrace God’s exciting activity then to worship, wonder and wiggle together?! We are so excited and can’t wait to get everyone excited with us! Since we will continue to worship on Sundays with Traditional and Contemporary worship services, this mid-week (every other) approach will be different and engage the senses and invite everyone into a deeper learning in new and exciting ways.

As your pastor, I invite you to invite people in your neighborhood, bring your families and share the good news of what God is up to at Amazing Grace! As summers get busy and people go on vacation, I want to strongly encourage you and yours to remember that God doesn’t take ‘time off’ from us, and our faith should not take ‘time off’ either. The church continues to work hard to serve God’s people and Wonderful Wednesdays is an important way that God reminds us how important it is to get together as people of faith and to continue to build up God’s kingdom in this world. Please get excited with me and the wonderful ministry teams that aremaking this summer one to remember! Watch for information in the weeks ahead as we ask for volunteers, helpers and ask for people to sign up for summer fun!

We invite you to spend your Wednesdays at Amazing Grace alongside one another and in prayerful and faithful fun! I am so excited for this adventure and hope you will invite, reach out and get pumped to share God’s amazing grace and experience a summer filled with fun and faith!


Pastor Greer

Confirmation Corner: He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! Alleluia!

Confirmation during Lent has been a new experience and journey for many, from Ash Wednesday, Confirmation Retreat, a “STAR” studded Palm Sunday with appearances from 2 soccer sport stars, Alex and Jonathan, Oscar winning Sarah Starlett from Hollywood, Jake the Politian, and even the great Al-Ben Einstein, and a Rock Star Olivia “a little out there!” We even had a protester with a sign that read Jesus is our Messiah, our King, our Star! What kind of King do you serve? Who is the King of your life? Who do you worship?

The class attended Maundy Thursday service. They carried protest signs that read to crucify Jesus, as we walked to the Sanctuary for the stripping of the altar (by members of the Worship Ministry), preparing the Sanctuary for Good Friday service. They attended Good Friday worship and participated by extinguishing the 7 candles. Then coming to Easter Sunday service the Highest Holy Day for Christians.

The CHARGE Retreat was awesome! We had a youth Sunday service at Amazing Grace and sharing our experience from the retreat at Faith Formation and a pizza lunch provided by Thrivent. A very special thank you to all of you who supported us financially and with your thoughts and prayers.

During class time we have been learning all about Lent and an emphasis on Holy week. We also have discussed the Lutherans having only 2 sacraments Baptism and Holy Communion.

Note: For those of you who challenged your knowledge last month on the parament colors on the altar. Here are the answers from last month Confirmation Corner.

Column 1 - P, P, W, P, Gold, W, Blue, W, P, W, W Column 2 - W, W, Black or None, G, W, W, G, R, R, W Hope you had fun!

Thank you! In Christ’s Peace and Love,

Pastor Greer and Julie Ambris

Blessing Bags

At Family Sunday School February 5th we made over 50 “blessing bags” for our members to distribute to people on the “streets”. These bags include:

  • snacks
  • hand warmers
  • tooth brushes/paste
  • combs
  • soap
  • bus tickets
  • hand wipes
  • kleenex
  • hand lotion. etc. (all small sizes).

We will be doing this again in the near future. Donations accepted anytime!

I gave a blessing bag to a young gentleman who looked very down and out (he was standing in the middle of the road, on my driver’s side). I reached for one of my bags and when I handed it to him he was very thankful. I told him that God loves him and so do I. This was in the area of Ford Road and I-94.
— Sheila Roberts

Coming Up This Sunday

Sunday, April 30

Amazing Grace: furthering God's kingdom.
9:00 a.m. (Traditional) 
11:00 a.m. (Contemporary)

First Reading: Acts 2:14, 36-41
Second Reading: Psalm 116: 1-4, 12-19
Gospel Reading: Luke 24:13-35

Confirmation Class

12:30 P.M.

Rummage Sale Kick Off Meeting

Come either at 10:00 - 10:45 A.M or 12:15 – 1:00 P.M. 
The sale is scheduled for July 20th – 22nd. 

Nursery: Ages 0-K
Available during 11:00 A.M. Worship   

Prayer Blanket Ministry

Our Prayer Blanket Ministry makes prayers real to those who are having surgery or who are suffering serious illness or infirmity or any other struggle in life.

Brought together into each blanket is the gift of prayer: the symbol of faith in God and in His power to comfort, strengthen and heal. This ministry began in April 2006, and as of March 6, 2017 244 blankets have been made.

Prayer blanket request forms are found in the attendance books. To request a blanket for a member of Amazing Grace who is in the hospital or seriously ill, fill one out and place it in the offering plate, or contact Denise Rodi.

Comfort, comfort my people,
says your God.
Speak tenderly to Jerusalem,
and proclaim to her
that her hard service has
been completed,
that her sin has been paid for,
that she has received from the
LORD’s hand
double for all her sins.
— Isaiah 40: 1,2

Pastor's Message: Why Easter Matters

Jesus said, “It is finished.”
Then he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.
— John 19:30

Now, if this is where our story stopped, we would not be living as people of the resurrection. We would be stunted at the crossroads, having no clue where to go and what to do. We would not know who we are or where we were going. But, thanks be to God, that is not where our story ends, that is just the beginning. God does something miraculous through Jesus Christ, so we are able to shout with joy-filled hearts on Easter Sunday, "CHRIST IS RISEN!"

He is not here; for he has been raised.
— Matthew 28:6

This is what we proclaim on Easter Sunday and every day following. Because of God's greatest promise, that he is not dead, but Christ lives! And through Christ's life, death and resurrection we are granted grace upon grace. Through this unfailing, unfaltering, unparalleled love, we are set free to be people of the resurrection, covered by grace and forgiven. No longer finding ourselves at a crossroads, but rather, covered in grace.

Therefore, in this grace we receive from Christ Jesus, we give God our praise and thanksgiving. For the light of Christ is found in the resurrection, we see Christ in his glory and we receive the gift of grace. We sing and we trust the light of Christ will never burn out, it will never be dim, it will not let us stumble in the darkness, no Christ's light will shine and guide our steps. This is why Easter matters. Because we are never to be forsaken, we will never be left alone to wander in the darkness. True light has come and God has done something extraordinary through Jesus Christ. God, the creator of the world and liberator of all people has brought Christ to new life, and through the resurrection of Jesus we are freed from our fears, and ignited with the light of Christ. It is through Jesus Christ that we are forgiven, set free and saved by grace. There is no greater love than this and nothing compares to this grace. Almighty God has restored humanity and in God's mercy, we are called to share this love and grace with all whom we encounter. Let the light of Christ shine in your hearts, illumine your path and guide your comings and goings so that you might always know the way, the truth and the light. Because we know this only through Jesus Christ, who is, who was and who will always be our Savior and Lord. Thanks be to God.

Remember the true meaning of Easter, which is the resurrection. As the world brings out fluffy bunnies, sweet treats and eggs, be rooted in the promises of forgiveness and grace that comes from a crucified and risen Savior. Remember that when you come to worship, we worship together, with trumpets and song a God of unparalleled love. We worship a God who gave everything so we might know the comfort and promise of grace. Remember that when the trumpets and fanfare fade away and the work week resumes that we are still covered in God's abundant grace. Remember that as we go about our daily lives and the glorious nature of Easter Sunday fades in your memory, God is still loving us and Christ still died and rose again so we might know this AMAZING GRACE! Savor the sacred moments of Holy Week and let the Holy Spirit wash over you as you worship on Easter Sunday and know that God's love is why Easter matters. Thanks be to God. I look forward to Easter Worship and the blessed sacred journey of Holy Week.


+Pastor Greer

You're Invited to Holy Week!

April 13-16, 2017

 See, the former things have come to pass, and new things I now declare; before they spring forth, I tell you of them.
— Isaiah 42:9

Maundy Thursday 

April 13
Soup Supper 6:00p.m.
Worship 7:00p.m. 
(both located in Fellowship Hall)


Good Friday 

April 14
Worship 7:00p.m. 
(located in the Sanctuary) 


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Easter Sunday 

April 16
9:00a.m. Traditional
11:00a.m. Contemporary
(located in the Sanctuary)

Holy Week Activities

Easter Egg Filling

Friday, April 14th at 11:00 AM (Learning Center) 

All middle and high school youth invited to help fill eggs!

Pizza will be provided.


Easter Egg Hunt

Saturday, April 15th at 11:00 AM (Social Hall) 

A hot dog lunch will be provided.  All are welcome!


Easter Egg Candy

We need the help of our congregation to donate candy to fill our eggs.

Please place all donations on the cart in the Narthex.


Easter Continental Breakfast

Served from 9:45 - 10:45 A.M. Easter morning.

Suggested donation $3/person ALL money will go to Food For the Poor.

Please bring non perishable items for Mt. Calvary Food Pantry.

Pastor's Message: Lent- Spring Cleaning for the Soul

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

As we anticipate a time of reflection during the Lenten season, we prepare our hearts for a time of reflection, repentance and a so-called “Spring Cleaning for the Soul.” We will enjoy Shrove Tuesday together as a way of indulgence and reminder of the many blessings we enjoy in abundance, and then we will move into Ash Wednesday. And on the first day of Lent, Ash Wednesday, hundreds of millions of Christians receive ashes on their foreheads in churches all over the world.

Why ashes? Since Old Testament times, ashes have been used as a symbol of mortality. When ashes are placed on our foreheads we hear the words: “Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return.” It’s a reminder that the world, that often seems so important to us at this moment is passing and we need to give more thought to what comes at the end of our earthly life, which is: eternal life.

Ashes are also a sign of our need for repentance and a heartfelt acknowledgment that we are sinners and fall short of the glory of God. To many in the modern world, the very concept of sin seems old-fashioned. Yet, sin is part of our human nature, brokenness is our human condition and we NEED Jesus. We need to repent and trust the Triune God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) will show up for us again and again.

If you intentionally hurt a good friend, whether you are religious or not, something deep inside of you tells you that you need to say you’re sorry. What’s more, whether you say it out loud to your friend, or just think it to yourself, you’ll resolve not to hurt them again. But chances are good that someday you will. And that is similar to the all-too-human cycle of sin and sorrow and sinning again.

As the Church points out, we are all sinners and we all need repentance. We all need to confess our sin and sinfulness and ask for God’s forgiveness. And as people of the resurrection, we trust and lean into God’s gift of abundant grace. Lent gives us an intentional time of the year to do just that (although our prayer is that we practice confession/repentance year-round).

The word “Lent” comes from an old English word for springtime. Think of it as a form of spring cleaning for the soul. In the early years of the Church it was confined to a few days before Easter. But by the fourth century it was extended to forty days before Easter, a period associated with the forty days and nights that Jesus spent in the desert, tempted in the wilderness, just after his baptism (Matthew 4:1-11). “Forty days before Easter” may be somewhat misleading. The Church doesn’t count Sundays among the forty days, so the period of Lent, lasting from Ash Wednesday through Holy Saturday, actually covers 46 days. Whether 40 days or 46 days, in the great scope of things Lent is a momentary pause to rethink the fundamental purpose of our lives. But it can also be the occasion of a momentous transformation; a first step on the path, at the crossroads, of becoming the people God has called us to be. I’ll see you at the crossroads of this journey.

You are my righteousness, I am your sin In Christ we can become what we were not. Amen! Lord Jesus, You are my righteousness, I am your sin. You took on you what was mine; yet set on me what was yours. You became what you were not, that I might become what I was not.
— Lent Prayer- Martin Luther


Peace +

Pastor Greer