Reformation 500 Celebration

Reformation 500 Celebration

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On Sunday October 29th, we will celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.  Our celebration will dovetail with Trunk or Treat and will be a combination of Oktoberfest as well as a trip back in time.  The celebration will be both fun and educational.  It will consist of fun games of the period for the children, music and a great dinner. Among other fun things, get ready to play “Reformation Bingo”.  Since our celebration will coincide with Trunk or Treat, we thought that it would be fun to make costumes optional.  We will have a prize for the best costume.  Perhaps the best “Marty” costume?  The dinner potion of our celebration will begin around 3pm and continue until 7pm.  Lots of great German food and beverage.  Please join us.  This will be a fun event for the family.  

God's Work. Our hands. Outdoor Worship Service

September 10th was a beautiful day at Amazing Grace, beginning with a uplifting outdoor worship service, a delicious by lunch provided by Thrivent, and then followed by service projects as part of Nation-wide ELCA God's Work. Our Hands. Sunday. 

One project was painting Kindness Rocks (as you can see in the previous blog), the second project we collected school supplies to go to Van Dyke Public School's Early Childhood Center.  The Center houses Great Start Readiness Program and HeadStart classes. The students primarily come from impoverished families and often cannot afford to buy school supplies, and the third project was preparing 12 blankets and tying 3 prayer blankets.  Our Prayer Blanket Ministry makes prayers real to those who are having surgery or who are suffering serious illness or infirmity or any other struggle in life.  Brought together into each blanket is the gift of prayer: the symbol of faith in God and in God's power to comfort, strengthen and heal.  This ministry began in April 2006. To date 271 prayer blankets have been made and delivered (even, in unique circumstances, all the way to Texas). We also had a team deliver 1,600 large bottles of water to Salem Lutheran Church in Flint. We continue to support our sisters and brothers in Flint with love, prayers and water. To date, we have delivered over 16,000 bottles of water to Flint and we will continue to collect money and water and deliver water until the clean water is regularly available. 

What a blessing it is to do God's work, with our hands! Together we rise up!

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Yum Yum Club

Join us for fun and fellowship as we dine with fellow members of Amazing Grace. All ages welcome!

Sunday, June 25th
1:00 P.M.
Masters Restaurant
13 Mile, west of Dequindre



Sunday, July 30th
1:00 P.M.
Olive Garden
30600 Van Dyke, Warren



If you are planning on attending or need directions call the church office 4 days prior to the dinner. Ideas for future restaurants are welcome!

Pastor's Message- Wonderful Wednesdays

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

If anyone is thirsty, let them come to me and drink.
— John 7:37-38

I can't wait for WONDERFUL WEDNESDAYS this Summer! As we look forward to 'Splashing' into God's Kingdom with people of ALL ages on Wednesday evenings, I want to share with you why I am so excited for this wonderful adventure!

As a continuation of Faith Formation during the school year, we will SPLASH into the summer with gusto. God has compelled the Faith Formation Team, to re-think how we do Vacation Bible School during the summer and they have had the innovative spirit to dream about something for ALL AGES! YAHOO!

This summer we will designate five Wednesday evenings to learning across the generations. Cross-generational Faith Formation (AKA- faithful biblical learning for ALL AGES!) is not some strange idea out of the blue, this is the pedagogy of theological education. This approach is the vital way of faith formation across the board and across the Church universal. With this move toward innovative faith formation, we are thrilled to invite our congregation and community of faith to reach out, invite your friends and engage in a summer of fun with water themed biblical learning. This opportunity will create community, offer faithful learning and conversation for people from birth on up.


There will always be a service component to our time together. This year, as the need for clean water and justice is still very real for our sisters and brothers in Flint, we will be collecting water bottles, money and we will me making cards of care for our family in Flint at Salem Lutheran Church. This congregation has become the center of caring for the community and we have promised to help too. So we will! What better way to celebrate the gift of water, by giving the water to those who desperately need it!

We will gather all together to enjoy a meal, then engage cross-generations in reading the same biblical story together, then we will break out into various age groups for age-designed experiences. Young ones will enjoy Art, Science and Games to really dive into the biblical stories. With help from our older youth and young adults we will create fun relationships and creative ways to engage the Bible! Adults will be invited to join me for faithful Bible Study and conversation around the biblical narrative.

Here is what we will gather to enjoy together...






As we gather back together in the Sanctuary, at 7:30pm, we will enjoy a relaxed, family-friendly, interactive worship experience with engaging 'camp-style' songs. You will be encouraged to dance, play and be free as God wishes us to be! We will share communion in new and creative ways that keep our focus on God's presence in the Holy Eucharist and we will pray and experience the Holy Spirit in amazing ways. This worship experience will offer a midweek opportunity to reinvigorate your faith and fill you with the Holy Spirit as you finish out the week. I hope you will ALL join us as we SPLASH into God's Kingdom this summer and celebrate the gift of water with WONDERFUL WEDNESDAYS - WATER & THE WORD!

Peace +

Pastor Greer


Sunday School End of Year Celebration


Attention parents and grandparents of Sunday School students,
all Sunday School teachers and volunteers:

Please join us after the 11:00am worship service on

Sunday, May 21

for a celebration luncheon!

Lunch will be followed by a short parent/guardian meeting to gather your feedback on this year’s Sunday School program – what you like and how we can make the program even better! During this discussion time, children will be helping decorate backpacks and playing games.



Coming Up This Sunday

Sunday, May 7, 2017


Amazing Grace: furthering God's kingdom.
9:00 a.m. (Traditional) 
11:00 a.m. (Contemporary)


First Reading: Acts 2:42-47
Second Reading: Psalm 23
Gospel Reading: Matthew 6:17-21

Nursery: Ages 0-K Available during 11:00 A.M. Worship  

We will celebrate and sing to our May birthdays!

Stewardship for all Seasons

Presentation andQ & A
with Rev. Mike Ward
in the Learning Center
10:00 A.M.

Men of Grace 8th Annual Chili Cook Off

12:30 P.M. in the Social Hall

Family Sunday School/ Faith Formation for All Ages
Join us and taste all the delicious chili’s! Vote for best tasting and most unique!
Tiger themed Raffle Basket tickets available! $1.00 each or 6/$5.00.
We will assemble Blessing Bags for the homeless.
Bring items (toothpaste, small water bottles, snacks, deodorant, hand wipes, etc.)